
Happy Birthday our Lovely Blog.... :D

It's our day of every year ,,,,,, our day to get happy ,,,, remembering the idea of making our own page that can Collect 5 Girls loving each other alot ,,,, Collect 5 hearts full of love, happiness , Sadness , & optimism

Also Collect 5 Girls waiting their lovely friends to Give a comment
Even it's a little one knowing that also refers to their love ..

This day must be special to us ,,,, Even we won't do a gr8 party ,,, But I know that in our deep heart ,,, We r really celebrating ,,,,, Happily celebrating ,,,, Remembering all of our memories together ,, our jokes ,,, our fights ,, our acting Completely Stupid :D:D ,,, Our..... Alot alot alot of things that we did & already do together

Even those Words ,,, I feel speachless ,,, to make a copy of what my heart wants to say...!!!

Sorry If my words are little Confusing , But u all know that God didn't Give me the talent of writing :$:$ Thanks God anyway :D:D

Wanna Say my last words ,,,,,,, I just love U Girls .... Huge Batch of kisses to all of U (L)

May God keep us ......
" D-E-R-R-Y "
" A7la group "


6 التعليقات:

bosycat يقول...

happy blog day :D
nice post ya roro bgd
3asaaaaaal gdn :*
kol sana w elblog tayeb w32bal sneeeeeen kteeeeeer we7na m3a ba3d w bardo ne7tafel beh swa 3la tool isA :)
kol sana wento taybeen ya a7la as7ab fe el donia ,, rabena ye5leeko lya bgd :*:*:*:*
w happy agaza b2a .. enjoy ur time 2abl el ta7n :D

Butterfly يقول...

3asaal ya Rana :D:D
kol Sana w el-blog tayb :D Rabna ydeena w ydeh tolet el3omr :D
yarab yarab kol Sana m3a ba3d w kol Sana so7ab w Rabna yhaneeko w ys3dkom kolokm yarab <3
HaPPy aGaza ;);)
<3 I LOvE YoU GiRLS <3

Peri يقول...

Even those Words ,,, I feel speachless ,,, to make a copy of what my heart wants to say"

هو دا القرار اللى انا مستنياه D:

كل سنه واحنا دايما سوا حتى بعد التخرج ان شاء الله
بوست رائع بجد ماشاء الله وعلى فكرا انا اكتشفت انك عندك الموهبه D:

ربنا يخليكى لينا يارورو يامفرحانا :)

رورو... انا بجد اللى مش عارفه اقولك حاجه "speachless" يعنى D:
ميرسي بجد يارورو

Angel يقول...

kol sana w el basha b 5eer
adamaho allah 3alykom b el postat el sa3eda isA
w kol sana w as7abo b 5eer ya a7la group :*:xxxxxx

Nonya يقول...

Thx My sweet Friends ... Kol Sana w e7na kolena taybeen , even elly barra el 5 :D:D ,,, 3ashan ento aham 7aga fel blog aslan :D

Happy B-day uncle Blog :D:D

MeMe يقول...

يااااااااااااااه انتو بتهرجو ماشاء الله هو فات سنة ؟؟

كل سنة وانتو طيبين يا احلى جروب ..
واسفة انها متأخر وربنا جاية بالصدفة
كل سنة وانتو مع بعض ..
وعقبال 100 سنة :)