
باركووووولى :)

النهارده يوم من اسعد ايام حيااتى ..
النهارده كانت خطوبه صاحبتى واختى سمر :)
سمر دى اختى اللى مولدتهاش امى بجد ..دايما بقول ان عندى 4 اخوات بنات
انا وسمر اصحاب بقالنا 14 سنه .. قولوا ماشاء الله :D
لو فضلت احكى عن سمر وعن هى ايه بالنسبالى هحتاج بلوج جديده كامله
النهارده اول ماشوفتها عروسه ولابسه الفستان ...انا جالى مليون احساس فى وقت واحد
عدى عليا فى لحظات ..كل ايامنا مع بعض كل دقيقه عشناها سوا ..
كنا بنزاكر ازاى.. وبنلعب ازاى...وبناكل مع بعض ازاى ...وبننام مع بعض ازاى
عشرة 14 سنه عدت عليا فى دقيقه بكل الحاجات اللى فيها...
مكنتش مصدقه ان خلاص احنا كبرنا ..وانى بشوف صاحبة عمرى قدامى عروسه
وكل شويه بيبقى هاين عليا اقولها قومى اقعدى معانا وبتاع ..وشويه وهاقولها عايزاكى فى موضوع ..ولا كأنها العروسه :D
بجد مكنتش متخيله كمية الفرحه اللى هتبقى جوايا فى يوم زى ده ..وطول الحفله وانا ببصلها واضحك وادمع فى نفس الوقت
وبغض النظر عن انى كنت عاملة زى ام العروسه ..وكنت دايخه وراها
بس ده ميجيش حاجه جمب لحظه فرح واحده من اللى حستها النهارده
وانا بفرح باختى الرابعه :)
يمكن انا عارفه انها مش هتشوف الكلام ده
بس انا عايزة اقولها ربنا يتمملك على خير ..ويجمع بينكم..ويوفقكم فى حياتكم القادمه ..
وعقبال يارب ماشوفها لابسه الفستان الابيض هى وكل اصحاابى :) :)



With You

when I wanted to express the huge,perfect,top feelings that I feel for you my best friend,I couldn't write any word...

at this time you must be sure that every word I couldn't say is the best word that will always tell you how much you are very important to me, how much you are perfect,and that this life is soo numb without you...

Be sure that every one of us now is remembering every situation passed with you till now..

but you also must be sure that every situation passed with you ,every word,every time ,represent the best nice times in our life specially me...

more than 9 years ...the best happy years were with you..

I tried to write more than 3 posts till now to express how we are glad with you...but every time I fail...

you know why??

because till now I couldn't express how much you are sooo perfect in every thing specially smiling and drawing the smile on our faces even in bad times..

you know what??

It's my honour to be one of your friends ...

20september is always the day that reminds me with our memories...

Rana...the whole life is always inside you"feeky el7ayah" :d

Happy birth day my best friend..
also happy feast :d

we all wish that you will always live every day as it is your best day...

you must know that there is no life without you Rana



How Did We Fall In Love With U

your existence in our life means that there is no lonelyness.

when we feel angry and cant talk ,you are always there to make us happy.

how beautiful you are when someone wanna to make a joke with u and u agree .

how sad you are when u find any one of us feeling bad.

how shy young girl you are when it's time to play like children.

and if we talked about the gift that ALLAH gave you we must talk about your top feelings and the huge love inside your big heart.

that's the least thing I can give u my friend.Seema..i love u soo much ..we all love u and really wish u happy birth day baby...

yasmien.. plz always remember that we can't live without your love ...

I wish scientists invent machine that looks inside hearts to let see my love to you ...

seema was born in 17september,but I want it to be early to tell you how happy we are with the day of your existence in life ...happy birth day seema,happy days , happy life, .....

singing for u all songs that we always be happy to listen to with each other
specially"tararam" :d


قصة حب ..

السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته
ازيكم جميعااااا :)
قصة حب
برنامج اكثر من راااائع بجد..يعتبر من اكثر البرامج نجاحا فى رمضان .. واتمنى ان الكل يشوفه وخاصة حلقة امبارح الحلقه دى
من اروع الحلقات فى البرنامج
هتغير حاجات كتيير اوى فينا وهنعرف حاجات مكناش واخدين بالنا منها ..
هى دى الحلقه يااريت الكل يشوفها
وفى الاخر عايزة افكركم ..
طريق الاستقامه شااااق ..لكن يخففه الرفاااق ..فكن واحدا منهم
بداخل كل قلب قاسى ملاك مسجوون ..ينتظر ان تطلق سراحه ..فلا تكن انت السجان
ايوة اكره كل غلط و ما تكرهش الغلطان ... كان ممكن تبقى انت مكانه و تكوون في التوبه طمعاان